Navigating School Life with a Brace

The idea of wearing a brace to school may seem like a challenge, but with some planning and preparation, you can make the experience more manageable. Remember, you will be able to participate in most of your regular school and sporting activities.

Here are some tips to help make the adjustment.

Starting Out

For the first week of having your brace, we recommend that you not wear it to school. This allows you to gradually get used to it at home, build up your wear time and practice taking it on and off.

It’s important to talk to the school and your teachers about the brace. Explain your situation and let them know if you need any allowances, such as time away from school for appointments or somewhere to store the brace safely while doing sport or PE class. Also ask whether there is a private bathroom where you can take the brace off or put it on when needed.

Especially in the early stages, it’s important to take short breaks from sitting. It can also be worthwhile speaking to your teachers to see if there is an alternative chair you can use at school, or have a small pillow or pad to sit on to help with comfort.

Make Sure You’re Comfortable

If you wear a uniform to school you might need to size up slightly for clothing to fit well over the brace. Otherwise, wearing clothes made of breathable fabrics is advised for comfort and to avoid skin irritation. Always wearing the body sock or a soft top underneath the brace will help with comfort and avoid rubbing.

Choose a backpack with thicker straps and more padding for comfort. It’s a good idea to ask the school if it’s possible to keep a set of textbooks at both home and school or perhaps they can give you access to online editions. This will reduce the weight you are carrying around each day.

It’s also important to stay hydrated during the day, this will help keep you feeling cooler and more comfortable. If you live in a hotter climate, you could also ask to have an ice pack stored at school that you could use to cool down.

Remember that quite a few students have to wear a brace, it’s more common than you might think. It’s up to you if you tell people at school about your brace, but it might surprise you how supportive friends can be. Be confident and ’embrace your brace’. It will be worth it.

Questions about bracing?

You might be at the start of their journey, so it’s natural to have lots of questions about scoliosis bracing. There are many different types of braces for scoliosis bracing, but not all braces are made the same.

The ScoliBrace is a custom made brace, designed and made for each individual patient. For kids and teens, the brace’s over-corrective approach and asymmetrical design harnesses spinal coupling, not 3 point pressure, for the best possible clinical outcomes.

If you have questions about ScoliBrace or bracing treatment in general, get in touch with a ScoliBrace Provider near you.

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Explore the ScoliBrace Treatment Journey

Explore the ScoliBrace Treatment Journey

Explore the ScoliBrace Treatment Journey