Case – 7 year old male juvenile patient

Superior in-brace correction achieved with a ScoliBrace compared with a standard TLSO in a juvenile patient with scoliosis.

Male patient aged 7 years with a 32° right thoracic curve and a 27° left lumbar curve.


This case demonstrates the effect of a ScoliBrace orthosis compared to a hospital made thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) in a 7-year-old male with moderate scoliosis. The patient presented with a 32° right thoracic curve and a 27° left lumbar curve that had been braced using a TLSO that was designed and fitted by a hospital orthotist. The in-brace correction that could be obtained using the hospital made TLSO was very poor and would have been unlikely to alter the natural history of the patient’s scoliosis.

A ScoliBrace orthosis was prescribed, which in the initial stages, has provided an in-brace correction far superior to the hospital made TLSO resulting in clinically meaningful changes in the patient’s scoliosis.

Case Background

The male patient had been referred to the clinic at the age of seven with a previous diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic scoliosis. The patient had been fitted with a traditional 3-point pressure thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis (TLSO) that had been designed by a hospital orthotist.

Examination Findings

The patient reported that he regularly participated in rugby, soccer and swimming. Aside from the spinal deformity, the patient was otherwise healthy. On examination a right thoracic curve and a left lumbar curve were noted. The patient had brought along x-rays that had been taken at the time of the initial diagnosis as well as x-rays taken soon after the brace fitting (Fi  gure 1). The initial pre-brace x-rays revealed that the patient’s primary thoracic curve was 32° Cobb and the secondary lumbar curve was 27° Cobb.

An examination of the in-brace x-rays for the hospital made TLSO demonstrated that an adequate in-brace correction had not been achieved with only an 11° reduction in the thoracic curve and no measurable change in the magnitude of the lumbar curve (Figure 1).


A customised over-corrective ScoliBrace orthosis was substituted for the patient’s original hospital-made TLSO.


In-brace x-rays taken soon after the fitting of the new ScoliBrace demonstrated a significantly better in-brace correction compared to the previous brace. The patient’s primary thoracic curve had been reduced to down to 13° Cobb, which represented a 59% correction of the initial curve and a 25% improvement on the correction obtained with the hospital-made TLSO.

The lumbar scoliosis was almost completely reduced (3° Cobb) in the new orthosis. The hospital-made TLSO had not achieved any correction in this region of the spine (Figure 2).


The ScoliBrace is not a traditional 3-point pressure brace. Instead the brace utilises the concept of spinal repositioning by over-correcting the body posture using specific 3-dimensional moulding to maintain the correction in the brace.

Research has demonstrated that significant in-brace corrections (up to 50% curve correction in flexible spines) are required if bracing is to be successful. If this magnitude of correction is not obtained initially, it is unlikely the brace has been adequately designed, manufactured or fitted correctly. This case demonstrates a distinct difference in the corrective effect, on the same patient, using two different braces. The hospital-made TLSO did not achieve a substantial correction and is less likely to have prevented progression in this case. The other demonstrated a good correction and therefore has a much higher chance of obtaining a successful result.


Not all braces are the same. In this case the ScoliBrace provided a superior in-brace correction when compared to the hospital-made TLSO for the same patient. Although the subject of this case is still undergoing treatment, the initial requirements required for a positive result for brace treatment have been obtained using the ScoliBrace orthosis.

NB: Results vary from case to case. Our commitment is to recommend the most appropriate treatment based on the patients type and severity of scoliosis.

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